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The Coach’s Playbook
My ultimate goal is to write useful and relevant content about everything related to creating success and getting you to the next level.
Sometimes however, I do find myself just blogging about things that need to be talked about, so don’t be surprised by what you find popping up here. I always welcome all useful comments, suggestions and critiques. So come often, bring a friend, and stay as long as you’d like!
After many years of brainstorming and collecting input for consideration, I'm finally ready to get the MSP Pro Academy launched. The intention is to build a learning and collaboration portal where anyone interested in training in the Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) discipline can...
If you've ever had the strange feeling that the efforts your team is working for are not fully supported by everyone on the team or even management, it's probably not unwarranted. All too often we have meetings where we discuss the path to success and then look around the room asking for buy-in,...
Do you remember when your business consisted of nothing more than you and your dog? Maybe even your spouse was involved. And then one day, it doubled in size because you hired your first real employee. How did you manage that person? Most likely, you tried to give them autonomy in how they...
Many years ago, I wrote an article entitled Take Time In Your Life For Inspiration. In it, I make what is now my personal statement: I believe that everyone is capable of both being inspired and inspiring others. A most valuable trait is the ability to take time in your life to recognize when you...
When I was young, if I wanted to talk to my best friend Randy without going over to his house or meeting him somewhere, I had only one choice - call him on the telephone. Of course, I could only call him if he had previously given me his phone number or if I knew the last name used for setting up...
A few years back, I wrote an article on ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) and I even interviewed an expert on the subject. ITIL has always been thought of as the best practice library for big corporations, but it is folks like myself who are trying to pull that curtain down all...
As I'm writing my book Getting To The Next Level and rounding out the chapter on this thing I call the organization Compass, I put together an anecdote to help drive home the importance of getting it right. Besides being a sneak peek at more of the book before it releases, it's a great compass...
I’ve been meaning to blog about this thing I call the Pyramid of Purpose and Value™ for the longest time. Well, I ended up writing about it extensively in my book Getting To The Next Level, so I’m taking advantage of that and posting the introduction to the Pyramid directly from...
By my definition, it is the most valuable intangible asset of any organization. The Human Element is the actuator, custodian, and perpetuator of the organization’s culture. It is the single most powerful determinant of success for a healthy and viable business. Only with a healthy company...
Have you ever wanted to put on a small event to showcase or show off your product or services but just don't have the budget? Then you should know about what is called the Marketing Development Fund or MDF for short. It is the term used for funds available from vendors and partners of products...
Are you running a help desk, service desk or a call center? And do you know the difference? I find it odd that so many small companies try to run some version of a help desk as if they had infinite technical resources like a call center. They say, “We want a real person to answer the phone...
I usually blog about things that are directly related to running your business, but I do have things related to exercise, relaxation, motivation, and just good old inspiration I'd like to share from time to time. Well, it's that time. :)
I make it a point to eat right and exercise regularly to...